fundraisering help

man celebrating holding cash

The 5 Pitfalls And Secret Keys To The Success of Your Next Fundraiser

When it comes to fundraising for your group, club, or school, many factors contribute to making it successful. From picking the right fundraiser to getting the word out and keeping track of the money you’ve raised, there are a lot of potential problems you can incur along the way and that could hinder success.  So, […]

The 5 Pitfalls And Secret Keys To The Success of Your Next Fundraiser Read More »

crowd funding concept

Crowdfunding Vs. Fundraising: Which is Best?

Choosing the best online fundraising platform for your school, club or group can be difficult. While peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding have been used interchangeably, they’re actually two completely different concepts, especially when it comes to how your organization can collect funds. So, what is the difference between crowdfunding vs. fundraising, and which is the best

Crowdfunding Vs. Fundraising: Which is Best? Read More »