29 Game-Changing Football Fundraising Ideas

August 22, 2023

American high school football focusing on the line of scrimmage.

Your football team has the potential to become the champions of the season. While your team can play and still win with ripped jerseys, rusted old equipment, and old transportation vehicles, fundraising will help you get the gear your team deserves. 

Coming up with youth football fundraiser ideas can actually be fun if you’ve got some imagination. Knocking on every door in your neighborhood is a thing of the past. With the MoneyDolly app and some of our unique football fundraising ideas (not to pat ourselves on the back…) you can meet all your fundraising goals and enjoy yourself while you do it.

29 Fundraising Ideas for Your Football Team

If you need some fundraising ideas, we’ve got you covered. Here are 29 of our favorite high school football fundraising ideas.

1. VIP Seats 

Right before the start of a big game, make an announcement and auction off some of the most comfortable seats with the best view. Someone’s grandpa may be willing to pay big bucks if it means he gets prime real estate to catch all the action up close.

2. Advertising Space

Let local businesses pay to advertise with big signs on the fences during your game. For an extra generous sponsor, you could even sew patches of their company logo onto players’ uniforms.

3. Gametime Announcements

People can pay for the announcer at the game to read their notes over the loudspeaker. You may get simple business ads or you may get a player’s mom making sure her son remembers to wash his socks after the game. One can hope, at least.

4. Football Trivia Night

Host a team trivia night, with football-themed questions of course. Charge people to enter and participate, and have a small prize ready for winners. You could even have trivia questions about your team: which player has an irrational fear of snakes?

5. Touchdown Sponsorship

Find sponsors willing to pledge money every time your team makes a touchdown during a game. If your team is any good (and we truly hope you are!), you may make some serious cash this way.

6. Spirit Gear

We’re sure your team has loyal fans who would proudly wear your swag. Use the MoneyDolly app to sell sweatshirts, mugs, hats, anything you can think of that features your team logo. 

7. Pre-Game Tailgate Party

Tailgating is an American tradition! Host a tailgating event and sell tickets to the party. Throw in some BBQ food and fans will be pumped to join in on the pre-game festivities.  

8. Concessions

Take advantage of snacky guests and set up a concession stand selling drinks, hotdogs, chips, and nachos. Team supporters can help run the stand during the game.

9. Auction

If you take joy in watching people yell out numbers (and who doesn’t?), have an auction during halftime. Make sure you get your loudest and funniest athletes to announce the prizes and winners.

10. Hire an Athlete

Your football team is full of strong young people, so auction off their services to friends and family. Someone can pay for an hour of an athlete’s time to have them help with yard work or clean out a garage. Yes, please!

11. Flag Football Tournament

Let local teams pay entry fees to compete in shorter games and see who will win. Get ready for the best game ever. Think, the firefighters vs the beauty salon staff, school teachers vs administrators, or neighborhood against neighborhood.

12. Screen an Away Game

Have a fan record an away game and the next day have a paid screening. Do it at the school gym with a big projector or at a local restaurant. 

13. Football Camp

Let your players show off some skills and train younger athletes. Have a day camp where parents pay for their kids to practice with your team and learn some football skills. Remember, they’re kids so maybe go a little easy on them.

14. Scratch Cards

Find a local print shop that can make scratch cards with your players’ most epic pictures on them. Sell the cards at a game and have prizes ready for the winners, like team swag or gift certificates to local businesses.

15. Team Football Cards

Your players may not be as famous as Aaron Rodgers, but someday they might be! Make and sell football trading cards for your players at a game. Who knows, one day they could be worth some serious moolah.

16. Sell the Perfect Parking Spot

We know the parking lot can get packed during a big game and nobody wants to drive around searching for an available space. Raise some cash by auctioning off the best parking spot for a game or even the season.

17. Game Day Valet

Players’ family members can help organize and run paid valet parking services to raise money while the players compete. Just make sure you’re using qualified drivers! No one wants to answer to Aunt Leticia if she finds a scratch on her BMW. 

18. Embarrass Your Coach

Let people know you’re raising money and that if you meet a goal your coach will do something embarrassing. You’d be surprised how many people will pitch in if it means the football coach has to dye his hair hot pink or perform a dance to “The Nutcracker.”

19. Costume Contest 

Before a game, set a theme and encourage people to dress up. This is always a great idea around Halloween but you can invent some even crazier themes like “The 80s” or “Dress Like the Principal”. Have people pay to enter the contest and during halftime, let the crowd’s cheers determine who won.

20. Football Movie Night

Set up a big screen and charge people to come see American Underdog or Remember the Titans. An emotional football movie may even make them more likely to donate some extra cash to your team.

21. Athlete Art Show

Who knows which of the players is secretly a Picasso? Have the team paint their version of a masterpiece before a game and then sell them while fans are exiting the bleachers. 

22. Kick Contest

At halftime, allow paying contestants to try and kick a goal from different distances. Make it a tournament and give the last competitor standing a small prize.

23. Host an All-Female Football Game

You don’t often see an all-female football team, so organize one for the evening and encourage people to come support and cheer them on. Maybe you’ll end up with a new recruit!

24. Cutest Baby Photo Contest

Print out baby pictures of the football team players. Set up a station near the entrance of a football game and let people pay a dollar to vote. At the end of the game announce which player was the cutest baby.

25. Game Day Car Wash

The day of the big game, have team members wash cars for cash. Make sure they don’t tire themselves out too hard before the game. You can embarrass the quarterback and make money all at the same time.

26. Your Team vs. the Fans

Let paying contestants compete against your team to play football. If you want to make things even more interesting, compete in a sport your team isn’t familiar with, like volleyball or tennis.

27. Team-Led Fitness Class 

Your football team works hard every single practice to get stronger and faster. Host a fitness class where community members can pay to attend a team-led exercise session. Don’t go easy on them! Show them what it means to be a true football player.

28. Sell MoneyDolly Items

Want to make selling products to raise money even easier? Then use the MoneyDolly items we have ready for you. We can supply popcorn, nuts, and so much more. All you have to do is send people the link so they purchase them. Done and done.

29. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

The MoneyDolly app makes it easy for team members to share a QR code over text or in person and ask supporters to donate. This is often one of the most successful ways to fundraise.

Use MoneyDolly to Achieve All Your Goals

We know your athletes need to raise money so it’s time to try out MoneyDolly and some of our fundraising ideas for football teams. With some teamwork, some supportive fans, and the MoneyDolly app, we’re sure you’ll be able to revolutionize your normal fundraising strategies and meet all of your fundraising goals this season. 

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Damion Smith

Founder and CEO

Prior to starting MoneyDolly, Damion spent the last 25 years helping teams, schools & organizations raise money while growing multiple companies across the country. He has served in many capacities including Sale Representative, Sales Manager, Senior VP of Sales & President.