Author name: Damion Smith

Three Cheers for These 30 Cheerleading Fundraiser Ideas!

Ready? Okay! Let’s go!  (Imagine us saying that with pom poms, and you get where we’re going with this.)  Cheerleaders bring energy to any sporting event, making it more exciting for spectators and encouraging players to perform their best. With all they do, cheerleaders deserve some financial help to get through their season. The costs […]

Three Cheers for These 30 Cheerleading Fundraiser Ideas! Read More »

Shopping for a Cause: 7 Successful School Store Fundraiser Strategies

It’s time to raise money, and you’re considering all the business acumen you can instill by starting a school store. A school store fundraiser is a popular go-to option because it’s effective! When you take the right steps, your academic emporium can rake in the cash you need to fund school needs and student activities.

Shopping for a Cause: 7 Successful School Store Fundraiser Strategies Read More »

Group Of Children Holding Bake Sale Smiling To Camera.

Which Fundraising Ideas for Kids Are Best: What to Focus on & What to Ditch

You see them every season: kids holding up signs for a car wash or bake sale, raising money for who knows what. Wrapping paper sales, hawking crappy chocolate bars, putting on a big ol’ show in the barn—there are thousands of fundraising opportunities for kids. They pop up in school, as part of a club,

Which Fundraising Ideas for Kids Are Best: What to Focus on & What to Ditch Read More »

Boys having a fun with their school coach. Teacher and students enjoying a physical education session in a school ground. Sports coach training kids in elementary school.

5 Benefits of Online Fundraising for Coaches and Their Teams

As prices increase for—let us just check our notes here—absolutely everything, it’s even more important for coaches to run successful fundraisers that keep their teams funded.  As a coach, it falls to you to help your team come up with creative and innovative ways to fundraise. After all, your soccer team can’t keep hosting the

5 Benefits of Online Fundraising for Coaches and Their Teams Read More »